First Communication Conduit Bore
The first set of conduit installed by Precision Directional Boring was the cable, telephone, fiber optics conduits installed between the utility pole at West River Road and the green electrical transformer/switch box near the common drive. The electric service wire had already been installed to the green transformer/switch box in the south turnaround. Below is the drilling bit exiting from the first bore.
This is the first set of conduits being pulled back through the enlarged and Bentonite slurry lubricated bore.
April, 2009 and the communications conduit had been installed through a bore from the green electrical transformer near the West River Road common drive. The boring was done by Precision Directional Boring. This is the West River Road terminus. The electric service had already been installed to the green electric transformer box for a previous owner of Lot 13, so only the communication conduits had to be installed.
At the green electric transformer/switch box the conduit is about to reach the hole dug to receive the conduit as it enters the hole.
The conduits were capped, ready to later be connected by the utility companies.
Second Communication, Electric Conduit Bore
The second bore for the communication conduit also included an electrical conduit to extend the electricity through the dam to a location for a second electric transformer/switch box to the west of the north end of the common drive. This transformer/switch box will service Lots 10 and 11 with electricity as well as communications services. This bore had to be carefully researched by Precision to avoid damaging the irrigation and well lines leading to the Lot 10 home as well as the geothermal line from the home to the lake where the coils had been placed.
The directional boring machine is set up to make this bore starting from the south of the Lakeview property.
The conduits had been fused to create the lengths needed, and were stretched out along the west side of the dam. The orange conduits are the communications conduits, the black is the conduit that will carry the electric service wiring. They are on the west side of the common driveway to be out of the way until they will be pulled to the other end of the driveway and fed into the hole at the location for the second electric transformer/switch box.
This was the hole on the north end of the common driveway, the west side and the three orange and one black conduits are being readied for the attachment to the drilling section that will pull them through the lubricated bore.
Into the hole they go, next stop, the hole by the electric transformer/switch box to the south.
Third Electric, Communications Conduit Bore
The third bore for communications, electric conduits was out to the Lot 11 property line. This bore was from the east of the common drive to the west of the Lot 10/11 property line, on the south side of the Lot 11 drive. The boring machine in the distance framed by the backhoe was set up for this bore..
The electric, communication conduits were prepared for the pull through the enlarged bore from the Lot 11 terminus to the trench already containing the input conduits from the south transformer/switch box location.
After being pulled through, Precision prepared the conduits to be capped and buried with a wooden post as a marker.
Fourth Electric, Communications Bore, to Lot 10
The bore to the Lot 10 home, undergrounding the electric, communication conduits which also connected in the area of the "well garden". Following the initial bore, the electrical service was undergrounded to the home, moving it from a utility pole in the east yard to the pathway through both electric transformer/switch boxes shown in this post.
The boring machine was set up near the lake to bore to the Lot 10 home.
Precision Directional Boring dug a trench in the region where the electrical service entered the Lot 10 home.
The conduits are in place, ready to be attached to the bore extensions, then will be fed through the bore from the home to the region on the west of the common drive.
This is the truck that supplies the Bentonite/clay slurry which lubricates the bore after it has been enlarged.
This is the Bentonite/clay slurry being pumped into the enlarged bore to lubricate the bore for the conduits.
The conduits had been pulled through the bore and were in place.
Electric Conduit to the Dam
If the homeowners desire to provide lighting across the dam, Precision Directional Boring installed two conduits one to each of two electric vault boxes, one to the south and one to the north of the dam.
This is the conduit installed to the south. The boring machine had been repositioned and a separate bore was made to the area designated for the vault box for the electric connection that would provide lighting. The power for this electric vault box would come from the transformer/switch box in the south turnaround area.
The boring machine was set up for the bore from the area of the north electric vault box for the dam lighting, boring to the north, and the location of the electric transformer/switch box located to the west of the north end of the common drive. I have named this area the "well garden". The electric conduit, which has been pulled through the enlarged bore hole is being unfastened. Later an electric vault box will be installed by Precision.
The bore has been enlarged, the smaller black conduit will be pulled through to the area where the north electric vault will be located.
Once the hole had been dug, the black conduit was pulled through and capped, it would later be fed through the bottom of the electric vault bpx, then the vault box will be set at ground level. The same process will occur at the area of the south electric vault box on the dam.
Wrapping up the Electric, Communication Conduit Installs
The north terminus of the conduits for Lot 10, Lot 11 and the north dam electric vault was still open. The communication conduits needed to be consolidated, as well as the electrical conduits and a new electric transformer/switch box installed over them.
With the conduits consolidated, the backhoe filled in the trench and locked them in place. Once the soil was in place then the pad for the electric transformer/switch box was installed.
In this photo you can see the square green base upon which the electric transformer/switch box will be placed when electricity will be undergrounded to the Lot 10 home.
The electric conduit containing the conduit from the electric transformer/switch box location at the north end of the dam was fed into the bottom of the electric transformer/switch box near the south turnaround.
Precision installed a fish line used to pull an electric service wire to the north electric transformer/switch box.